"I have used Larry’s training since 1995. His practical, innovative and holistic approach is unparalleled. To take your work to the next level of excellence, use Larry’s webinars."
Jim Fong
Former Executive Director
Rogue Workforce Partnership
"I’ve been Executive Director in workforce development for more than twenty years. Larry Robbin is the most informed, thoughtful, strategic and practical trainer in our field. He is the gold standard of webinar presenters. I encourage you to use his webinar training"
Barrie Hathaway
President and CEO

Over 100,000 People Trained * 1000+ Organizations Served
Webinar attendance record holder for the
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
National Youth Employment Coalition
California Workforce Association

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As someone with a long career in workforce development including working for the Department of Labor and being a Director of a Workforce Development Board and now as the Executive Director of the California Workforce Association (CWA), I have had an opportunity to be acquainted with the work of the vast majority of the national trainers in the workforce development field. CWA produces a lot of webinars and Larry Robbin has been invited to do more webinars for CWA than any other presenter. His webinars hold the attendance record for public webinars sponsored by our organization which is proof of the quality of his webinar training. We have used so many of Larry’s webinars because he provides the highest quality and most innovative training of anyone in the workforce development field. His work is the state-of-the-art and yet very practical. People frequently comment that they can put the strategies and techniques Larry presents into their work right after the training. It is rare to find a trainer that presents new concepts in ways that can be implemented so quickly. Larry transforms the work people are doing to higher levels and helps his training attendees get results they never imagined. I highly recommend him to any organization.


Bob Lanter, Executive Director of the California Workforce Association



Working with Larry has been one of the single best professional development experiences of my career. He has incredible breadth and depth of experience and expertise. As he develops his service strategies, Larry has the rare ability to connect with people with severe and multiple barriers to employment and solicits their feedback about how to improve the programs designed to serve them. He uses the same kind of feedback strategy with his private sector employer clients to shape his approaches. As a result, his work is guided by a unique and powerful combination of the needs of job seekers with barriers to employment and the employers that hire them. He does this just as effectively as he trains thousands of front line staff and management or advises nonprofit, government and private sector leaders. I would strongly recommend Larry to any organizations hoping to strengthen their workforce programs, funders seeking to deepen their own expertise, or anyone looking for best-in-class training and consulting services in the workforce development field.


Elena Chavez Quezada
Senior Advisor for Social Innovation,
Office of Governor Gavin Newsom

Robbin and Associates © 2025